Sappanwood (secang) has long been known in Indonesia. In Aceh it is known as seupeueng, in Minangkabau it is called lacang, in Java and Sunda (West Java) it is called secang.
Another student of UGM has made an achievement at the national level.
YOGYAKARTA – Persistence and consistency in dedicating most of his time for environment preservation have brought a lecturer in Engineering Faculty UGM, Prof. Dr.
Universitas Gadjah Mada became the only university that receives the award from the Forestry Minister in the One Billion of Trees Planting programme in 2012.
Several students of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM joining the Cactus team have earned an award in the Krannert Human Resource Case Competition and Excecutive Conference 2013 ...
Students of Faculty of Law UGM have again won moot court competitions in IHLMCC 2013.
Students of UGM dominate the presentation competition on the 16th National Transportation Symposium at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta on Saturday (3/11).
YOGYAKARTA –UGM students have made mobile applications for early warning system of communicable diseases, using map based services.
UGM has made another achievement at the national level.
YOGYAKARTA – Three S2 students in Biology of UGM have been granted up to 3,500 dollars in fund by the The Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund.
The UGM Judo team has won three medals in the National Judo Championship that last from 18-19 October 2013 at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY).A silver medal was won by Lannang Kurnia Ja...
An UGM team of students has made another achievement in an international competition.
As a tropical country, Indonesia is the hotbed for the breeding of mosquitoes.
Do you know if ultrasonic wave is capable to keep mosquitoes at bay? Agus Wigardi, student of Mechanical Engineering of UGM along with four classmates have developed anti-mosquito robot by ...
Several UGM students have developed dental light arm (Del-Arm) that can replace a dentist, just by using hand signal.
YOGYAKARTA – Communication Studies and Management and Public Policy study programmes in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM are accredited by ASEAN Universit...
Lecturer in Faculty of Biology UGM, Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc, has earned the award as Contributive Biology Scientist in the MIPA UI Wrad 2013 on the campus of UI Jakarta.
What a happiness felt by Rizky Arie Apryanto, student of SMA Negeri I Kebumen highschool when he was declared passing the university entrance test through the Bidikmisi scholarship mechanis...
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada has again earned the good assessment “reasonable without exceptions” (WTP) in financial management.
YOGYAKARTA – The landslide monitoring equipment installed in 12 provincecs and several foreign and domestic mining companies has made its maker, Teuku Faisal Fathani, S.T., M.T...
Another achievement has been made by UGM at the national level.
An UGM team has won the Cisco Netriders Indonesia 2013 after they failed to maintain the title last year.
UGM Earns Medals in ON MIPA-PT 2013 Once again, UGM made an outstanding achievement in the national competition, National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Olympiad (ON MIPA-PT) 2013 from 29...
UGM team came as first winner in the National Statistics Olympiad (ONS) 2013 from 30-31 May 2013 in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM.
YOGYAKARTA – Four students of Faculty of Law UGM, Arif Foranto, Dimas Andri Himawan, Rachmi Dzikirna and Samuel Goldwyn Simangunsong, have earned the Fali Nariman Award, namely Honour...
A judo team from UGM has earned two bronze medals in international competitions, 5th Ganesha Open Judo Championship, held from 23-24 May at Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta.
YOGYAKARTA – Student of Nursing study programme class of 2010, also recipient of Bidikmisi scholarship, Birrul Qodriyyah, is elected outstanding student of UGM 2013.
YOGYAKARTA – Winner of International Mathematics Olympiad in Bulgaria for three consecutive years, Made Tantrawan, 21, is the only cumlaude graduate with the perfect GPA of 4 during a...
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada ranks 53rd in the 100 top Asian universities as quoted from the website of January 2013 edition.