Who is not familiar with Bali? The island that holds a variety of natural and cultural beauty has become one of the major tourist destinations worldwide.
In recent years, Bali has intensively been developing ecotourism in various districts. Lecturer at the Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University, Dr. I Nyoman Sukma Arida, says that there are three types of eco-tourism in Bali according to main actors of tourism. First, ecotourism which is driven by the investors; second, ecotourism driven by society or community types; third, ecotourism driven by the government.
“Ecotourism in Bali tends to have three patterns which I called as Ecotourism Tri ning Tri,” he said on the review of his book entitled Dynamics of Ecotourism Tri Ning Tri in Bali on Monday (16/5) at the Centre for Tourism Studies (Puspar) UGM.
In his book Sukma explains ecotourism in Bali, which shows a pattern of three which is not separated from the people of Bali craze in conceptualizing ideas and the formulation of local wisdom with patterns of three. For example, the people of Bali have the formula of Tri Kaya Parisuda, Tri Hita Karana, Tri Rna and Tri Mandala.
Sukma said that each type has compatibility with the principles of ecotourism, so they can be grouped into a major, middle, and contemptible ecotourism. Some concept of Balinesse, such as rwa bhineda, paduwen sareng, and nempahang rage makes each type of ecotourism can be developed harmoniously in Bali, without negating each other.
In three villages studied by Sukma, it is known that characteristics of each type tend to shift toward the hybrid type. Such shifts occur as a result of the process of interaction with diverse stakeholders. Ecotourism which enters a village will be improvised according to the available potential resources and the uniqueness of stakeholders involved in ecotourism management.
Meanwhile, the ability to process all forms of ecotourism which are coming from outside, Sukma said, combines with rwa bhineda concept of life. This resulted in tourism that comes, enters and develops there is transformed into a new form.