Professor of Forestry Faculty, Prof. Dr.Ir. H. Soekotjo, passed away on Saturday (14/5) in Gresik, East Java, at the age of 81 years. The man who was born in Ngawi, East Java, left his wife and 6 children. “UGM academic community expressed profound sadness. UGM lost one of its best faculty members who have been instrumental in the establishment of Wanagama forest, ” Vice Rector for Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Suratman, said when delivering a speech at his last tribute ceremony in Balairung Hall, Saturday (14/5).
Suratman said that the deceased is known as a Professor at the Faculty of Forestry. Throughout his career, said Suratman, the deceased had a firm commitment to the development of forests in Indonesia, especially UGM. “He is one of the originators of the idea of the establishment of Wanagama forest located in Gunung Kidul regency,” he said.
In the speech delivered by the Dean of Faculty of Forestry, Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut., M.Sc., detailing Prof. Bambang’s life, he graduated from Elementary School in 1948. Later, he continued his education at junior high school in Bogor in 1952, as well as high school in Solo in 1955. Then, he registered as a student at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry UGM and graduated in 1962. He graduated from his master and doctoral degree at Michigan State University, USA.
Furthermore, said Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, the deceased has been known to become the Third Vice Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, in 1966 and 1975. Seven years later, in 1982, the deceased served as Vice-Rector at the University of Bengkulu, later as the Rector of the University of Bengkulu in 1986. He also served as a Director of Biotrop SEAMEC in 1991. His awards include 25 Years of Loyalty from Rector of UGM (1985), Xi Sigma Phi from Michigan State University (1990), Satyalancana Karya Sastra XX from RI President (1993), Dewan Produktivitas from Labour Minister(1995) and the Satyalancana XXX by the President in1998.
Dr. Agus SB, one of the sons of the deceased, appeared to unable to hold back emotion as he apologized to the attendance. “All the mistakes by our father, whether intentional or not, I beg it to be forgiven,” he concluded.
After the ceremony, the deceased was buried at UGM Graveyard in Sawit Sari, Condong Catur, Sleman.