Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM will host International Cultural Festival on 3 March 2016 as part of series of events to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the faculty. It aims to introduce the cultures of friendly countries.
Committee chairman of the event, Mohammad Yusuf, Ph.D., said they would also invite embassies of friendly countries to the festivities, including Argentine, France, India, Iran, the U.S., Spain, etc. Arts and cultural performances from regional governments will also be presented from Bantul, Kulon Progo, Gunungkidul, Sleman, Yogyakarta, and Boyolali.
“The cultural event will showcase traditional arts performances from friendly countries and exhibition of traditional food, traditional clothes, and traditional music instruments,” he explained on Wednesday (24/2) in a press conference at the Faculty.
Yusuf said the festival would target as many as 1,000 visitors from among students, academics, agencies, general public, and foreign community staying in Yogyakarta.
They will also host a seminar on culture from 24-25 February 2016, presenting two experts that have already contributed to humanities studies in Indonesia, Prof. Anthony Reid (ANU) and Prof. Chua Beng Huat (NUS).
Previously, a shadow puppet play titled Dasamuka Leno was shown on Saturday (20/2) at PKKH UGM. The master of play, senior faculty member, Ki Eddy Pursubaryanto, presented the play in a different format. The language used was not only Javanese, but also Indonesian, English, Arabic, Japanese, and French.
“In addition, in the anniversary celebration we hold sporting competitions, gathering with senior members of faculty as well as a visit to the Sendowo and Sawitsari cemeteries, blood donor, and family gathering,” he explained.
The peak of the anniversary will see an open Senate Meeting on Thursday, 3 March 2016. Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirdjo, M.A will give remarks entitled Cultural Reflection: From Post-modernism to Pseudoscience.