YOGYAKARTA –UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., has proposed disaster risk reduction and mitigation to the government as one of development programmes for year 2015, bearing in mind that Indonesia lies in the tectonic plate. Thus, economic development needs to take natural disaster risk factors into account.
“Our position is right on active tectonic plate, but this should not hamper the government to make the dream of maritime axis come true,” said Dwikorita in the National Seminar entitled Strengthening Indonesia’s Resilience through Disaster Risk Reductions in the Senate Hall of UGM, Wednesday (26/11).
She suggested disaster mitigation be included in government’s planning for medium term, believing that the programme would help meet the maritime goals successfully as well as human resource development through the demography bonus that is predicted to be enjoyed by Indonesia in 2030.
In response, Suprayoga Hadi, Deputy Head for Resources in the Ministry for Rural and Underdeveloped Regions, and Transmigration, said the government had been attentive to the need for national policy on disaster mitigation as stipulated in Law No. 24 Year 2007 on Disaster Mitigation and other regulations.
He mentioned the state was to assure safety to all citizens in terms of disaster threats. Programmes in disaster risk mitigation are expected to increase people’s awareness and skills in disaster handling, involving academics.