YOGYAKARTA – The ASEAN Economic Community that will be imposed by 2015 is a momentum to increase Indonesia’s economic growth by boosting productivity and connectivity of goods and services. The ASEAN population that reaches 620 millions, average economic growth 4.7 % and trade value at USD2.4 trillions can give more opportunities for society.
Such issues were discussed during the International Conference on ASEAN Studies 2014 run by UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Inna Garuda Hotel (1/10). Speakers included Executive Director of Asia Studies Center from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Dr. Suthipand Chirathivat, MFA’s ASEAN cooperation directorate general, I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, and Dr. Farish Noor from Nanyang Technology University Singapura.
Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, said that ASEAN free market could give direct benefits to society through new economic opportunities. Mobilisation and tranportation of goods, capital, and human resource have to comply with regulations already agreed by ASEAN leaders. “The momentum of regional economic integration is for common progress rather than individual,” said Erwan.
I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja said the ASEAN free market would become the driving force for peace and prosperity in ASEAN while Farish Noor said it could become new opportunities as well as problems as the region became a potential market for products from outside ASEAN.