Currently, Universitas Gadjah Mada is verifying the information given by new student candidates on the income of their parents. This is to establish the Single Tuition that should be paid by the students during their studies at UGM.
Vice Rector of UGM for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, M.Med.Sc, Ph.D, said there were discrepancies in reported data of income, those in the SNMPTN and those in UGM written test registrations. As many as 1,752 candidates have filled in different figures.
“Almost half of that figure corrected the income of their parents up to Rp 5 million, around 15% up to Rp 10 million in discrepancies, while 35% had deliberately filled in higher income in the SNMPTN than in the written test registration,” Iwan said.
Iwan said the finding was shocking as it illustrates dishonesty. In the written test registration the data given by candidates were closer to the truth. Candidates are asked to fill in a form stating that “if the information they give is not based on the truth, and it appears that it does not represent the truth after verification is made through a home visit, UGM has the right to cancel the right of the candidate as a new student. “This seems to have encouraged them to give information more honestly.”
“Honesty is important as the information given by the candidates is made the basis for establishing the Single Tuition. On one side, UGM is highly committed to providing scholarships for underprivileged students, so, on the other side, people need to be committed to pay the Single Tuition based on the real income of parents,” he said.
The range of tuitions to be paid can be see at http://um.ugm.ac.id.