Indonesia’s current food security is in better condition. However, in some aspects, there are still issues that need to be addressed. "Although nationally we have achieved food self-sufficiency, but there are still food insecurity issues in some areas. Approximately 13% of total population of Indonesia respectively experience food insecurity," Head of Food Security Agency, Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Suryana, M.S explained, Thursday (8/12) at UGM University Center (UC).
Suryana added that national food security also faces problem of high dependency of rice consumption among Indonesians. Each year, Indonesian people’s rice consumption reaches 139.15 kg/ capita.
Erratic distribution of food production in the regions also contributes to this food imbalance. The food imbalance occurs in western and eastern regions. Java and Sumatera as basis of food production center contribute as much as 70% -80% of national production. Meanwhile, Papua and NTT are regions which often experience food deficit as there are many people suffering from food insecurity.
In the National Seminar of Research Result on Social Economy of Agriculture, Suryana said in order to realize food security, the current general strategy of food security is directed not only at achieving food security but also food self-sufficiency. This is done with reference to a sustainable increase in food production, diversification and improvement of public welfare. The approach taken is by developing the economy based on agriculture and rural areas to provide employment and income. Furthermore, to distribute food to the poor through the provision of direct aid and increase consumption needs and food safety.
Suryana delivered that food security policy year 2010-2014 is focused to achieve self-sufficiency by 2014 for strategic commodities such as rice, corn, soybeans, sugar, and beef. Other goals are that food supply should prioritize domestic production, a diverse food supply and food based on resource potential and local culture, the provision of subsidized food aid and to strengthen community culture in food self-sufficiency.
Furthermore, in terms of consumption and diversification of food, this is done by socialization, concept education and utilization of food which is varied, nutritious, and balanced. Besides, it is done by encouraging the reduced rice consumption per capita by 1.5% per year and developing local flour-based processed food products.
Meanwhile, Director General of Logistics Agency (Bulog), Ir. Sutarto Alimoeso, MM., emphasized that to achieve robust and sustainable food security and food sovereignty requires government policy in the field of food and agriculture that is comprehensive and consistent. "The policy should be able to advocate for and encourage the effective utilization of all available natural resources effectively, efficiently, and sustainably," he said.
Sutarto added food and agricultural policies should be followed up in a comprehensive form of implications in each sector, equipped with the implications of various relevant institutional arrangements.