YOGYAKARTA – Department of Social Development and Welfare (formerly Sociatry) UGM plans to hold National Seminar on "World Decent Work Day" and the Grand Launching of SECURE (Social Protection and Decent Work Studies Centre), Friday (7/10), in Graduate Seminar Room, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. This event is organized to introduce SECURE to the public as well as to commemorate World Decent Work Day on October 7.
Coordinator of the event, Hesti Pratiwi, said that the purpose of this event, among others, are to discuss current issues of decent work and build public awareness about the need to create decent working conditions. "The World Decent Work Day seminar is expected to be the entrance to unlock insight and awareness of the various parties concerning decent work and social protection," Hesti said in a release sent Tuesday (4/10).
Hesti said that there are three issues that become Indonesian government’s priority to realize social protection and decent work, namely the cessation of labor exploitation, job creation to reduce poverty, restoration of livelihoods, especially for the younger group, as well as social dialogue addressing economic needs, principles and rights at work.
Despite international policy on social protection and decent work issued by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 1999, the Government of Indonesia has implemented the action plan on decent work since 2002. However, it is not accompanied by increased study and research on decent work and social protection which are actually required. This results in lower public awareness of the implementation of government policies on decent work and social protection. "The event is expected to produce public awareness of the importance of creating decent working condition in Indonesia so that the support for implementation efforts can be met in various employment sectors," he said.
Invited as guest speakers in this seminar are Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, H. Muhaimin Iskandar, M.Sc., who will become keynote speaker, Hotbonar Sinaga from PT Jamsostek (Persero), Peter Van Rooij from ILO, Djimanto from the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), Rekson Silaban from the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperous Labor Union (KSBSI), Nurul Qoiriyah from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and Prof. Dr. Susetiawan, S.U. from Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM.