A UGM student from Cambodia tested positive for Covid-19 after graduated from the Master of Chemical Engineering study program at the UGM Faculty of Engineering in July 2020. This evidence, known after the results of the swab he conducted in Cambodia came out.
Chairman of the UGM 19th Task Force Co Dr. dr. Rustamadji, M. Kes., said that UGM is soon currently conducting a tracing to break the chain of the spread of the coronavirus.
“We are still conducting a rapid test and swab. We are also tracking with anyone this student had contacted before he returned to Cambodia after graduation,” he explained on Saturday (1/8).
Adji said that before returning to his homeland, this graduate had visited the campus to take a diploma. Hence, the UGM Covid-19 Task Force is currently investigating people who have close contact with them, both education staff, students, and boarding houses.
“Currently, it is still in the examination stage. Next Monday, we will have new data. If later we found another who is also positive, we will do isolation in a place provided by the university,” he explained.
As one of the preventive ways, there is also a recommendation for the faculty to close campus services for three days to disinfect the campus space.
In response to this condition, Adji asked all UGM members to stay calm, but keep improving their vigilance. Please keep adhering to health protocols recommended by the government, such as maintaining distance, wearing masks, doing hand-washing, and implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle.
“Please don’t panic, stay disciplined in implementing health protocols and follow the regulations,” he said.
Since there were employees infected with the coronavirus, some services at UGM Academic Hospital and GMC clinics are temporarily closed. Adji explained that both UGM Academic Hospital and GMC closed polyclinic/outpatient services in commemoration of the Eid al-Adha 1441 H.
“We also conduct employees tests at the UGM Academic Hospital and GMC. The results just came out Monday as well. However, the temporarily closed service is because it is celebrating Eid al-Adha instead of any other reasons,” he said.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A