In her dissertation entitled Exploration of Noise Reducer System is expected to reduce vehicle’s noise optimally.
Yogya (KU) – Educational level of a community is not only able to improve knowledge and rationale, but also eco-friendly awareness.
The lady born in Yogyakarta, 25 February 1960, observed that the reading problem in the first and second year of Elementary School often goes undetected by their teacher.
On the result of university admission test, the consequence of failure in the decision making due to inaccurate test score information will have bad impacts on the person in concern.
Yogya (ME) – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurated 1,301 graduates and 215 diploma graduates for Period III of 2009/2010 Academic Year.
Kamsih Astuti, S. Psi., Si, lecturer of Faculty of Psychology, Mercubuana University of Yogyakarta, earned a doctorate degree from the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Yogya (KU) – Spatial modeling through satellite image processing, especially with hill-shade analysis, can be used as model to explore the potential income tax revenue of an individual.
Transportation problems have increasingly become bigger. Not only in big cities, the problem also occur in smaller cities such as Yogyakarta.
The application of the concept of Technical Geology that is supported by psychology and sociology proved effective in developing mapping methods of landslide hazard through people’s participation.
Kauman in Yogyakarta is a unique settlement. As the residence of the Sultan’s abdi dalem pamethakan (palace servants), Kauman is located at the west of Masjid Gede (Big Mosque), at the center of the Javanese cultural environment that in the nineteenth century was the center of small batik industry.
Copyright Law has proved to be unable to resolve violation cases of moral rights.
Yogya (KU)- Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and Hizbut Tahrir of Indonesia (HTI) are seen as having failed to become a counter-hegemony movement because both of them have already become part of the national hegemony structure.
Experience in several developing countries showed that tourism can improve people’s prosperity if it is managed well by applying pro-poor tourism strategy.
 Yogya (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurated 1,072 graduates of Graduate Program in Inauguration Period III study year 2009/2010.
Last will or testament in America is a unique document.
 In the year 2009 there were more than 43 percent of the populations living in urban areas in Indonesia.
Her research showed that groundwater potential is determined by the water characteristics in every hydro-morphology and hydro-geology units.
Cocoa borer until recently is still a serious problem faced by Indonesian cacao farmers.
Yogya (KU) – Nursing Science Study Program, Faculty of Medicine UGM, Thursday (15/4), inaugurated 23 new nurses, comprising 13 men and 10 women.
Yogya(KU)- Many cases of children death in hospital occur in the first 24 hours after they came to the hospital.
The source of hazardous and poisonous waste can be the industry, mining, transportation, hospitals, chemical laboratories, household and natural process.
Yohanes Djarot Purbadi, MT, Atmajaya University’s lecturer in Faculty of Engineering, said the Dawan tribal settlements architecture in Kenbaun Village, Nusa Tenggara, contains a unique intangible elements.
Besides the failure factors of conservation in the water pool, another cause is the inaccurate prediction of sediment to the fact owing to the inadequate data, eitherwater pool area will work well if the human activities interfering on the upstream region can be reduced or suppressed as low as possible. However, apparently what happened was […].
The first Bali Bombing 2002-2005 gave bigs impacts for a long time to the lives of the Balinese.
Almost all superblocks in Indonesia have the connotation of luxury and only a few of them allocate space for the middle to lower classes.
 Education for students with academic potential and special talent is not optimally provided.
 Until now, traditional goat farmers tend to give king grass (Pennisetum purpureophoides) as the single alkali feed.
In hydraulic structures, hydraulics has become an integral part. The development of hydraulics has enabled the construction of hydraulic structures, for example weirs, dams, irrigation channels, flood and volcano mud mitigation, river and coastal erosion barriers, harbours, and coastal structures.
Tun Naing, lecturer in Geology Department of Yangon University in Myanmar, has earned the doctoral degree and granted cumlaude title for his dissertation in the open examination of doctoral programme, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on Saturday( 27/3).
Bribin underground river of Gunung Kidul regency is one of the rivers with major potential and is a source of water for the people of Gunungsewu, which is a karst area.