Prof. drg. Niken Widyanti Sriyono, M.D.Sc., said that primary and preventive fluoridation efforts can reduce the prevalence of dental and oral diseases, particularly dental caries.
 Modern analytical chemical instrumentation can give qualitative and quantitative information with high precision and accurateness on very low rate.
Dean of Faculty of Psychology Dra. Neila Ramdhani, M.Si., M.Ed., said that the academic community of Universitas Gadjah Mada has acknowledged the good impact of e-mailing system on work flow.
At least 104 staff from three regencies, Sorong regency in West Papua, Banjar and Kota Baru regencies in South Kalimantan, have graduated from the Special Class Diploma Programme of Regional Financial Accounting run by UGM Faculty of Economics and Business.
The need for paper has been increasing from year to year.
A company is expected to provide humour recreation for female workers.
The Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D, again inaugurated 1,542 graduates of Undergraduate and Diploma programs at Grha Sabha Pramana Auditorium, Thursday (19/11).
The Gelora Bung Karno Senayan Stadium is the site of management rights of No 1/Gelora on behalf of State Secretariat.
Conducive psychological situation in group environment cannot always take place as expected.
Mulwa fruit or more often known as the custard-apple or wild sweetsop (Annona reticulata) has started to become difficult to find because there are not plenty of them being planted.
The loss of language means the loss of a social, cultural and spiritual heritage.
In petroleum industry, the role of zeolite as catalyst is very important.
Faculty of Medicine UGM inaugurated 16 foreign doctors from Malaysia. Dean of the Faculty Prof. Dr.
Today the world is facing many problems. Many countries expect Indonesia to be a partner to look for a solution.
Anthropology road map was actually from Prof. Koentjaraningrat, a maestro of Indonesian anthropology.
Indonesian development is more dependent on tax in the future due to the depletion of oil reserves and natural gas.
Peat land development has caused swamp forest degradation in Central Kalimantan Province.
User’s satisfaction is the main purpose of designing a new instrument, as well as the key to success in sales.
The Council of Professors (MGB) of University Gadjah Mada has inaugurated five new professors and let go of three professors who have retired.
Children have a higher risk of exposed by pesticide compared to the adults for several reasons.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that occurs due to joint cartilage degeneration, changes in the subchondral bones, and inflammation in the joints. This condition arises because of aging condition and trauma. A symptom that is often felt by the elderly is rheumatism. This is very common because it is a major cause of musculoskeletal problems […].
New Student UGM ready Facing MEA.
UGM graduated 1422 students from undergraduate program and 250 students from diploma program.