News Report
There had been a rare phenomenon of the hails in Yogyakarta on Wednesday (03/03) in the area of Tugu Yogyakarta and Turi Sleman.
The pandemic of Covid-19 has given a profound impact on almost all sectors in Indonesia.
UGM has been ready to dispatch a total of 2.021 unit GeNose to some institutions around this country, such as health clinics, government institutions, education institutions, companies, and other public facilities.
Nurdin Abdullah, a Governor of South Sulawesi, was recently named a corruption suspect.
People are now entering the advanced era of globalization, which also at the same time globalization has a strong relation to global networks.
In order to build global resilience to overcome pandemic, some universities in the world collaborated to form the UK-Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences (UKICIS) that was marked by the signing of an understanding memorandum by the six universities representatives.
Dr. Mahatma Sotya Bawono, M.Sc, Sp.THT-KL., as a doctor of Ear, Nose, Throat—Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery (ENT-OHNS) from UGM Academic Hospital, revealed a Covid-19 symptom that affected the ability of sense of smell.
Nothing has ever been the same after the emergence of the coronavirus outbreak in 2019.
A new technique of innovation research has been released. If people commonly conduct research using tools, modern devices, or some particular ingredients, in this day, Universitas Gadjah Mada and the World Mosquito Program (WMP) innovated through living things such as mosquitos to control DHF (dengue hemorrhagic fever).
Universitas Gadjah Mada received an A (excellent) in the annual Performance Accountability report assessed by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform.
Indonesian political culture has strongly affected shaping Indonesian’s elite.
dr. Bayu Satria Wiratama, MPH., as a UGM Epidemiology Expert, had just revealed the potential of Covid-19 new variant to occur in Indonesia because massive transmission happened actively in some areas around Indonesia.
Despite the good news of having a decline in new cases, Indonesia, and the world in general, cannot just lower its guard as several reports reveal the discovery of various new Covid-19 strains.
The phenomenon of flood disasters currently hit some areas in Indonesia.
The Indonesian Ministry of Health, in his discussion with the UGM Chancellor and some chairmen on Sunday (21/2), talked about the collaboration between universities that are capable of making innovative research and discoveries to help the community in handling Covid-19.
GeNose C-19, a Covid-19 breathalyzer developed by UGM, continues to undergo improvements.
Yogyakarta, as a student city and a destination for cultural and natural tourism, Jogja is confronted by air pollution problems.
UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN.
Long Covid is a phenomenon that frequently happened as a part of the Covid-19 pandemic expansion.
Currently, people are debating over the administrative and criminal sanctions for citizens who refuse the Covid-19 vaccine.
The Faculty of Engineering UGM is celebrating its anniversary, known as the 75th Engineering Higher Education Day (HPTT) or the 15th Lustrum.
President Joko Widodo’s statement that expected the public would openly criticize the Government on National Press Day summons various community opinions.
The Undergraduate Study Program of the Department of Communication, UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences reorganized the UGM Ajisaka Festival 2020+.
UGM Center for Economic Democracy Studies (PSEK) launched a flagship program called Village Market School (Sekolah Pasar Desa) through an online National Seminar discussing “Strategies for Strengthening Village’s Economic Resilience in the New Normal Era” on Tuesday (16/2).
Indonesian Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, Prof. Dr.
CEO of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Ir. Ignatius Talluembang shared some tips to achieve a successful career with thousands of prospective graduates of the UGM undergraduate and diploma program for February 2021, Tuesday (16/2).
Nurses play crucial roles in providing health services, especially in handling the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) encouraged GeNose C19 as a medical tool for early detection of Covid-19 to be utilized in every health facility such as health centers and hospitals around Indonesia.
The Chancellor of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) handed over 20 units of GeNose C-19 to the deans at UGM.
The registration period for the State University National Entrance Exam (SNMPTN) is open today (15/2).