Four non-teaching and teaching staff of Universitas Gadjah Mada earned awards during the National Outstanding Teaching and Non-teaching Staff selection event held in Jakarta on 28 October. Tri Yuliati, S.K.M, is the best laborant, Dr. Eng. Deendarlianto, S.T., M.Eng., is the runner-up of teaching staff, Hestining Kurniastuti, S.S., became the second best of academic administration staff, and Aprilia Mardiastuti, S.I.P., is the second winner of the librarians.
According to UGM Human Resource director, Dr. Ratminto, M.Pol. Admin., the university was proud of their achievements that hopefully would inspire other staff, too.
“We’re proud and salute them for their achievements. Whilst they were doing the selection in Jakarta, we supported them directly,” said Ratminto on Sunday (1/11).
He added the lecturer and non-teaching staff had all gone through a number of selection in advance. There are actually five representatives from UGM going in 5 categories: lecturer, academic administration, financial administration, librarian, and laborant. The financial administration staff, however, had not made it to the finals.