Responding to the Indonesia’s forest fire crisis, Universitas Gadjah Mada participated on a countermeasure effort by sending Student Community Service Programme team for Disaster Response, or KKN Peduli Bencana.
Director of Community Service of UGM, Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, M.Eng., Ph.D., said that student community service included 20 students from 6 different faculties (Philosophy, Geography, Law, Cultural Sciences, Forestry, and Animal Sciences) with one lecture as a supervisor. They will be sent to the affected area which is Tumbang Desa village, Jabiren Raya, Pulang Pisau regency, Central Kalimantan Province. “The location of the Student Community Service was a recommendation from DERU UGM team (Disaster Response team) that had held an assessment before,” Irfan added, Friday (11/13)
The students will be on the field for 30 days starting from November 11th – December 10th 2015. Five students were already sent since November 11th and the rest of them will be sent today, November 13th.
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Suratman, hopes that the students will always maintain to keep humanity values going whilst at the location. Through KKN Peduli Bencana, the people and the government wish to initiate a disaster-resilient village.
“So if similar events happen, the people on the affected area can handle them by themselves,” Suratman explained. (Humas UGM/Adel)