Becoming the best archivist during the National Outstanding Archivist event back in 2012, Musliichah, A.Md. S.I.P., has once again earned a national achievement in 2015. She won the paper writing competition held by the National Archives Office of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) in the category of human resource in government agencies and state enterprises.
The competition is themed Love Archives, Love Indonesia with two categories for civil servants and the general public.
Musliichah explained a panel of judges discussed who the winners would be on 23 October 2015 in Jakarta. “There are three winners in each category,” said Musliichah in the Archives of UGM on Wednesday (18/11).
Musliichah said she had sent her paper titled “Tracking Down the Glory of Nusantara State through Archiving Exhibition, an Effort to Instill Love of Indonesia. It was based on her experiences whilst working at the UGM Archives office, expecially in various exhibitions.
“The latest exhibition was done for UGM Expo 2015 in October 2015. In the paper I shared my ideas in encouraging uses of archives by informing the public through archives exhibitions,” said Musliichah.
The exhibition using communication science approach is expected to deliver the meaning and substance of archives, inspiring the people to take pride in as well as strengthen the nation’s identity.
“Obviously, I was grateful and happy becoming the winner in this competition. I was granted the ANRI award in October 2015 in conjunction with the presentation of Archiving Awards for Journalists,” she concluded