UGM’s librarian, Aprilia Mardiastuti, S.I.P, successfully got herself second place on National Librarian Competition 2015. Although this is her first national competition, she proved her competency in library department. On the competition that was held on October 28th in the librarian category, April offered innovative applications to manage digital based resources, recommended by former librarians and researchers. The idea came up when problems emerged as there were too many disorganized downloaded literatures, making them hard to find.
“(This is) to manage papers on a system, so through that system, the papers will be easily accessible by librarian and library patron,” she explained on Tuesday (11/10).
By using the internet, April offered the easy way to browse for both librarian and library patron. The benefit of this system is there would be sustained information of references that have been used before for future reference. April added that it would also help librarian to integrate references in the library.
“The librarian can share more knowledge with library patron, more than just pointing at that shelf or this shelf,” April said.
Her 20 years of experience as a librarian made her more sensitive of up-coming information. It helped her much in the competition.
“When the theme was about Library as a Sharing Knowledge, it was really me, I have been all over it since a long time ago,” she added.
When asked about tips to increase work performance, she explained that she liked to write down her activities everyday and she will recapitulate them every month. She is also fond of writing her operational agenda for the future. “When we set our targets, then this boosts our motivation. Motivation will make us trying to reach what we have planned.”
April hopes that UGM’s librarian can have more use on technology because through the use of technology, librarian can develop their knowledge. “UGM’s library is growing fast, use this technology for our sake.”