Indonesian Student Forum of Philosophy Assessment UGM (FORKAFMI UGM) collaborate with Faculty of Philosophy UGM and Student Affairs Directorate UGM held an Indonesian Youth Symposium. Bringing up the theme “The Indonesian Sovereignty on Ideology, Politics and Economy in facing the challenge of ASEAN Economic Community”, the symposium was joined by 300 youths from 24 universities in Indonesia.
Khairul Umam from FORKAFMI UGM said that the symposium was aimed to raise awareness of youth understanding on the importance of Indonesian Sovereignty on the above matters. To achieve nation’s welfare, the youth together need to take part in the AEC.
The symposium was held Sunday (11/29) at the auditorium of Post Graduate School, UGM. Some UGM experts on their field were present such as Dr. Rizal Mustansyir from Faculty of Philosophy, Dr. Rimawan Pradiptyo from Faculty of Business and Economics, and Dr. Arie Sudjito from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
Some of conclusions were made in this symposium. One of them is the need of Human Resource Development through education (formal or informal). By increasing the quality of education, the access of education, and education equalization will produce competitive and high quality workers and economy and economic agents, who will manage Indonesian natural resources for national prosperity.
Other conclusion was the need to strengthen Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by giving them enough venture capitals and simpler bureaucracy on venture capital application process, supported by the assistance of higher education and government. It will increase the product quality and help the marketing products.
“The other conclusion was the need of the simplification of political parties through democratic regulation that aim to make political parties more efficient and effective in expressing public opinion and using Pancasila as an ideology that could protect the relations of Indonesian and non-Indonesian nationals in the ASEAN Economic Community,” he explained.