UGM with Research and Development, Education and Training, and Information Agency (Balilatfo) of the Ministry for Villages and Underdeveloped Region and Transmigration collaborated to create prosper village through KKN (Student Community Service) program. The collaboration was symbolized by MoU signing between UGM Vice-Rector of Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Suratman, and the head of Research and Development of the Ministry, Dra. Nora Ekalina Hanafie, at the Hotel 101, Sunday (12/06).
According to Prof. Dr. Suratman, the biggest challenge of this time is facing ASEAN Economic Society. For that reason, Indonesia is demanded to create new innovations. UGM as a research excellence based university need to do researches for Indonesia, for nation’s prosperity, and the prosperity of its people.
Suratman said that transmigration is a root of a nation. For that reason, it needs a reliable cooperation to take care of this matter. UGM is a pioneer and supporter of transmigration since 1971. According to Suratman, transmigration is a daily need that one is often unaware of.
Dra. Nora Ekaline Hanafie., mentioned the strategic objective of the collaboration. They both have a duty to help villages. “Balitfo and UGM, Diponegoro University, and Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret want the 5000 villages to become developing villages and the 2000 developing villages to become developed villages. We hope this is the start of giving a benefit for this country,” she hoped.