Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have made another achievement at the national level. Now they won the first place in the Master of Ceremonies for protocol events competition held at Padjajaran University, Bandung, West Java, from 4-6 December. In addition, they won The Honourable Mention. Team members consist of Riandhika Adityawan (English 2013), Valentina Kunthi Bratadewi (Industrial Engineering 2013), Rino Anugraha Triatmaja (Chemical Engineering 2012) and Desi Novita Sari (English 2013).
Valentina Kunthi Bratadewi won the Master of Ceremonies contest for protocol events whilst The Honourable Mention was won by Rino Anugraha Triatmaja.
According to Rino, up to 75 delegates from Indonesian universities joined the competition. This is the first to be held annually for Indonesian universities and, “We happened to be the winner,” said Rino on Thursday (10/12).
He added it was a tight competition. Many benefits were gained from the competition, especially on protocol and protocol developments in Indonesia.
“Protocol is universal in nature, not only relating to governmental events. We also learned much about the Law No. 9 Year 2010 on protocol,” he added.
Valentina added the panel of juries in the competition consisted of practitioners, academics, and government representatives. A seminar is also held presenting speakers: Protocol Director from Foreign Affairs Ministry and University Malaysia Sabah.”We were much inspired about protocol events in Malaysia,” said Valentina.
With this achievement, Valentina expected the UGM’s student protocol unit would become official such as what happened to other universities.
Meanwhile, UGM Head of Protocol, Haryanto, S.E., M.M., expressed his pride following the achievement. Haryanto explained students had been involved in university events so far.
“We hope in the future there will be more achievements to be made,” said Haryanto.