One of series of UGM 66th Anniversary celebrations was a prayers gathering presenting noted ulema, KH. Hasyim Muzadi, Thursday (17/12) in the Balairung Hall of UGM. Chairman of the 66th Anniversary Committee, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., said that the purpose of this event was to foster the spirituality of the UGM academic community. Ali Agus said UGM Anniversary agendas is composed of a variety of activities from various fields, ranging from academics, the arts, culture, sports and spiritualy. “We would not only have a fresh body, but also fresh mind,” he said.
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Suratman said that this event is held as a gratitude following the outcomes that UGM had achieved.As Pancasila campus, the populist campus and cultural centers, UGM has a duty to instill the values of nobility to the entire academic community.
“Every year UGM inagurates 9000 students. Many of those became the leader of the country. For that reason, the main task of UGM is educating the future leaders about nobility, instilling faith and morals, ” he hoped.
On that occasion, KH Hasyim Muzadi said a few things, especially about the role of science. According to the man, science has been clearly explained in the Qur’an in the surah of Al’Alaq which reads Iqro ‘biismirabbikal-ladzii khalaq (a), which means that ”refer to the name of your Lord who created”. That means guidance for a reading, it must be followed by a sense of conscious and remember to almighty Allah. That way, people will avoid the arrogance of science.
The growing phenomenon of today, people tend to be preoccupied with the development of technology and knowledge that they forget the basic essence of science. As a result, people become oblivious to the science of religion and become absorbed in their own world. The message to be conveyed by KH. Hasyim is for UGM academic community to have strong religious foundation and spiritual soul, not forgetting the true religion as the source of the sciences.