Janger performances in Banyuwangi is a folk theater in Indonesia that are able to maintain their existence among modernity. Janger is able to survive because it has been in contact with other media. This phenomenon was captured well by Mochamad Ilham which later written in his dissertation entitled “Kelir Mancawarna: Strategi Kelisanan Senin Pertunjukan Janger Banyuwangi” (Kelir Mancawarna: Orality strategy for Janger Banyuwangi Performing Arts”
According to Ilham, Janger show has done a variety of adjustment. By doing so, the transmission of traditional values contained could be passed through and be accepted by society.
“To be in the condition of “the medium is the message”, Janger have explored all the potential languages, ranging from the oral language, the language of the motion, the language of music, to visual language. Janger explored all of this potential,” said Ilham, on Thursday (31/12) at the Faculty of Cultural Sciencies.
As a community identity of Banyuwangi, Janger stored historical and socio-cultural context of Banyuwangi. Janger merged art with other media. It can be used as an example for other arts in Indonesia that are experiencing difficulties of existance. Good cooperation between arts and media will produce harmony and create a cultural identity that can become the foundation of Indonesian art in the future
In his research, he found that Janger contains cultural elements such as Using, Java and Bali, but it can not be completely called Using, Java or Bali. On the other hand, Janger has been constructed and conceived as a Banyuwangi community identity and through Janger, the historical and socio-cultural aspects of Banyuwangi can be found.
“Through Janger, it can be understood that the superiority of Javanese culture can actually be compromised because the Java language is no longer dominating the overall staging. Banyuwangi people refused to be associated with Java nor Using because they have been using either Javanesse language or Using depending on their interest, “said Ilham.
Ilham also found that Janger orality strategy in the media perspective shows the cultural strategy that operate at the micro level. Unfortunately, the ability of Janger in keeping their existence got less attention from the local government.
“Apparently the phenomenon of Janger ability in maintaining their existence has not yet been receiving an adequate attention from the Government, both the central nor provincial and district,” said Ilham.