Political observers UGM, Dr. Arie Sudjito, S.Sos., M.Sc., said that the government should respond to the requests of Din Minimi group. A number of requests by GAM associate deserves a consideration.
“If this is considered as part of the challenge of national integration, then the state needs to respond,” he said, on Tuesday (5/1) at UGM.
Arie said that justice is needed in this Minimi Din issue such as giving attention to the political laws of rebels.
“If the demands are met, I do not think there would be another conflict,” he said.
As known by public, Minimi Din group is demanding government attention on orphaned children and widowed of former GAM soldiers, election monitoring, supervision of the Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Corruption Eradication Commission) for Government of Aceh, Din Minimi family protection, as well as amnesty of this group.
According to the man, the government should do a follow up on the peace path of Din Minimi group. Steps that can be taken by the government is to facilitate a dialogue between the Din Minimi group with Aceh Government Province.
“The state is expected to make an effort of dialogue between groups so that resolution of this conflict can occur and amnesty matter could be dealt later,” said lecturer of the Faculty of Sociology.
Beside initiating negotiation forum, President Joko Widodo is expected to have a comprehensive understanding of the case in Aceh an other similar cases in Indonesia regions.
“Learn the case and do negotiation approach. Peaceful efforts is important to build national integration,”Arie said.
Peaceful approach, he said, can be implemented not only in the case of Din Minimi Aceh alone. However, this method can be applied in other conflict areas as well.
“Unlike the new order when conflict was resolved by involving the military, now in the democratic era, conflict is supposed to be solved by a peaceful approach,” he said.