A total of 228 students of Faculty of Forestry participated in the Soft Skills and Practice Introduction to Forestry Science (Forestry Camping) 2016. During the activity that lasted for two days from January 23 – 24, 2016, the students were briefed in theory at Faculty of Forestry and exposed to Practical Introduction of Forestry in Forest Education Wanagama I, Gunung Kidul regency.
The briefing was conducted by lecturers of Faculty of Forestry and Air Force Special Force. Besides the formation of corps spirit, discipline, navigation, down the cliff, and survival, the students also obtain technical aviation cooperation from the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) as well as wet crossing techniques.
Dr. Wahyu Wardhana, chairman of the committee, said the briefing and mastering of soft skills for students will continue to be a major topic for undergraduate Forestry students. While the Introduction to the Practice of Forestry Science is the first field practice that should be done by each student at Faculty of Forestry.
“With this activity, students are expected to have general insights about forests and forestry as well as gaining experience related to aspects of survival, navigation, wet crossing, discipline, self-reliance, teamwork, togetherness, managerial ability, and having a sharp analysis of the forestry problems,” he said on Monday (25/1), accompanied by the Deputy Chairman, DVM. Subeno, M.Sc,at the Faculty of Forestry.
Activities to improve student soft skills given by the Special Force instructors begin in the parking lot of Forest Park (TAHURA) Bunder, Yogyakarta Forest Service. A total of 228 students were divided into 16 groups with 4 points of departure.
The release of each group used different angles of compass to the 2 rallying points. By using compass skills and cooperation, student teams are required to arrive on target on time.
Other activities centered on the bridge HPW I, which is above the River of Oya, the students climbed down the cliff through two routes. Meanwhile, to foster the corps spirit and mastery of skills while climbing down, one by one student was asked to shout “Hidup Rimbawan” (Long Live Forester).
Wahyu Wardhana added to improve their competence, the students are trained to survive in the woods with no supplies, except water. The students are also equipped to make various kinds of rope noose, and to identify dangerous snakes and edible plants.
“Students are taught to catch snakes, roast rabbits, and eat grass, practice wet crossing, and climb down the cliff, ask for help from the air when lost, and overcome obstacles while crossing rivers and cliffs in the woods, ” said Wahyu.
The students who follow this activity were quite enthusiastic. Alnus,student from Bojonegoro, said that he learned new knowledge. For him, this activity is very useful for forestry students, such as survival by eating the young shoots of grass and roasting rabbits.
“This is an awesome activity, I am happy to get the navigation material. Because of the ability to operate GPS and compass are only given in the military,” said Alnus.