As a medical staff, nurse stands in the frontline for educating society to live a healthy life. Nurse is, therefore, expected to always promote health and preventive measures among society.
“As a medical staff, these ways are better done than curative ways,” said Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Dr. dr. Teguh Aryandono, SpB(K) Onk, when inaugurating 47 nurses in the Training Hall of Dr. Sardjito General Hospital on Tuesday (16/2).
When leading the oath taking of the new nurses, he hoped the nurses would not harm themselves. They are expected to avoid doing harmfull things, let alone endanger the patients. Especially when the health security insurance is already in place that produces more and longer health services. Nurses are expected to give service and resolve the issue better.
Head of Indonesian National Nurse Association of Yogyakarta branch, Drs. Kirnantoro,SKM.,Mkes., mentioned three things facing new nurses. First, in terms of the oath, this will become the guide for the nurse in their work in the future.
Secondly, said Kirnantoro, the ASEAN Economic Community is already running, meaning that competition is not only with domestic nurses but also foreign nurses. In Yogya, every year there are 1400 – 1600 new nurses.
“Even so, we are still confident. Foreign nurses may come to Indonesia, but nurses graduating from UGM are not less competitive,” said Kirnantoro.
Third, Kirnantoro reminded the new nurses to do a competence test to get a registration card.
Following this inauguration, until now UGM has produced 1517 nurses. Average grades for the nurse this time is 3.66.