Indonesian Chamber of Commerce Yogyakarta branch has a triple helix cooperation with Universitas Gadjah Mada and Yogyakarta Provincial Government. The cooperation is marked with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing between the three, Chairperson of Chamber of Commerce GKR Pembayun, Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, and Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., in a meeting on Tuesday (1/3) in Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel.
“This cooperation is aimed at accelerating development to improve economic growth and people prosperity. This is in line with the development of this province as axis of national economic growth,” said GKR Pembayun in her remarks.
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X explained the relevance of triple helix cooperation as a synergy of power between academics, business, and government to create a business diversification and new job creation. “Academics with their science and technology resource can produce applicable innovations, business players can benefit society, whilst government has the function to maintain relation stability between both of them through policy,” he said, delivering a keynote speech.
The triple helix, in his opinion is a more solid and integrated cooperation compared to partical cooperation such as that that was signed in 1987 between KADIN-UGM or KADIN-Pemda.
He described the benefits of this cooperation, including application of research products for new business establishment, development of export and foreign relations, relevance between sectors and business scales, investment development, diversification of new ventures based on technology and arts to support the position of Jogjakarta as the centre of creative industry. This condition will impact on the development of business projects in other sectors as well as growing competition of the region amidst the global trade era.
For UGM, he hoped the cooperation would encourage emergence of research interest applicable in business or applied technology so that UGM expertise can benefit regional development. “I hope academicians from UGM can change idea innovation into product innovations. This will strengthen UGM as a university of people and struggle,” he said.