Tympanomastoidectomy surgery in patients of Otitis Media Supuratif Kronik (OMSK) is rarely done in Yogyakarta whilst the disease is actually suffered by many people in developing countries.
“It is predicted in Indonesia there are over seven millions people having OMSK or 3.1% of total population. It can lead to deafness from mild to severe level,” said Ear Nose Throat surgeon of Proklamasi Hospital in Jakarta, dr. Soekirman Soekin, Sp.THT-KL(K), on Saturday (19/3).
Met during the Continuing Professional Development Tympanomastoidectomy event at UGM Academic Hospital, Soekirman said very severe deafness due to OMSK was often caused by damage in internal ear organ. OMSK emerged due to infection in the upper respiratory tracts, from nose and throat going to ear.
“Anyone can suffer from this disease, but the risk is higher in children as their respiratory tracts are relatively flat or wide,” he said.
Treatment is by Tympanomastoidectomy surgery to reconstruct the middle ear and do eradication, so hearing system can work normally.
“Tympanomastoidectomy surgery is of special classification, but recovery rate is high at 97%,” he said.
Director of UGM Academic Hospital, Prof. dr. Arif Faisal., Sp.Rad(K)., DHSM., said the hospital gave a free surgery for six patients as part of community service and socialisation.
“This surgery is the first time here as we want to excell in ear nose and throat areas. Tympanomastoidectomy is our choice as this is very rarely done in Yogyakarta,” he said. Now, the UGM Hospital is increasing its surgeons’ competence for Tympanomastoidectomy.