Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with several universities in Yogyakarta conducted Education, Teaching and Culture Congress III, entitled Education Restoration for New Indonesia’s Civilisation at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM from 30 April – 1 May 2016. Educators and would-be teachers from early education, primary up to high schools and inclusive schools attended the event. Minister for Education Anies Baswedan, Ph.D., is planned to attend the Congress which will be opened by Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.
Committe Chairman, Ir. Cungki Kusdarjito, MP., said there are five themes to discus in the Congress, namely family education, school education, society education, physical education and dance education. “These five themes become the topic of discussion in the Congress,” said Cungki to reporters on Friday (29/4) at UGM.
He added the committee had invited educators to share their ideas for education, teaching and culture restoration as they are the most knowledgeable in terms of current education and teaching concepts. “We hope there will be real acts coming out of this event to give input to the government,” he said.
Education observer from UGM, Prof Sutaryo, said Indonesia already had good concept of education and teaching initiated by Ki Hajar Dewantara. But the current concept of education being implemented does not form personality value, but forming cognitive aspect only. “Education and teaching only pursue cognitive aspect, separating the students from the people,” he said.
He viewed that the concept from Ki Hajar Dewantara instilled more nationalism where students are taught to do for the interest of the nation and the state. “(We have to prevent) individual and group’s interest from getting more prioritised. This Congress can inspire our education to be better,” he said.