Although excellent in technical matters of field operation, the National Search and Rescue (Basarnas) admitted that higher learning is more progressive in terms of operational management theories and disaster management. So, in order to balance this condition, Basarnas will allow eligible staff to pursue graduate degree/S2 related to the duties of Basarnas.
This was confirmed by Head of Basarnas, Chief Marshall FHB. Soelistyo, S.Sos., during the signing of a cooperation agreement with Universitas Gadjah Mada. For Soelistyo, the determination to generate qualified human resource in terms of theories and militant in field operations became the background for Basarnas’s cooperation with UGM.
Soelistyo hoped the cooperation would not only benefit Basarnas, but also the people of Indonesia. With this cooperation, it can produce something that responds to the hopes of Indonesian people, particularly in safety issues.
“Institutional capacity can obviously not stand alone. Cooperation, solidity and synergy between institutions are very much required to produce a special power. This power that helps Basarnas to be able to do the job well in all assignments,” he said in Multimedia room of UGM on Thursday (12/5).
The cooperation covers search and rescue to people. Both parties agreed to do socialisation and counseling to people on Search and Rescue. There will also be SAR education, training, operational exercise and implemention as well as competence development.
Dr. Paripurna P. Sugarda, S.H., L.L.M, UGM Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, said everyone had recognised the good reputation of Basarnas, not only nationally but also internationally.
“We were proud that Basarnas had found the remnants of Air Asia jet quicky. They do not talk much, but work silently. We know that in every accident or disaster, Basarnas always stays at the forefront,” he said.
Paripurna hoped with Basarnas, UGM wants to be in the forefronts if a possible disaster occurs. UGM continuously enhances capacities in community service and research related to the innovations to create a disaster-resilient society.