Universitas Gadjah Mada’s student conducted a research on the experiences of people who make adventurous travels individually or in group. The research involved 918 people who made adventurous group travels to Bali province in the past year. The research showed that community is a positive factor to extraordinary experience. “But community factor has negative influence on ordinary experience while it has positive influence on extraordinary experience,” said Zunan Setiawan when sitting for his doctoral promotion at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM on Monday (16/5).
The research using questionnaire survey method to company staff aged between 21-50 years resulted that balance in nature does not affect ordinary experience. “But it has positive influence on extraordinary experience,” he said.
He added that new experience brought negative influence on ordinary experience while it had no influence on extraordinary experience. Motivation of someone doing adventurous travelling has negative influence on ordinary experience and it has no influence on extraordinary experience. Even so, adventurous travel made by individuals in group may enrich the study reference in the context of adventurous travel.