Everyday we encounter heaps of waste everywhere. The quantity of waste has reached thousands of tonnes everyday. Waste has become an environment problem in the country that has to be dealt with seriously. One place that produces high level of waste is offices. The high quantity has made it difficult for waste separation and processing. To resolve this problem, a new idea is required.
Qaid Anwaruddin, an Electronics and Instrumentation student, along with fellow students M. Ridho Fuadin, Nur Ida Anggari, and Yohanes Tampubolon , offered MR BIN (Smart Recycle Bin), an automatic waste bin separator as an alternative through the Student Creativity Programme for Creation.
“We made this MR BIN to enable workers doing recycling as we have separated the waste in advance,” said Qaid at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM on Tuesday (14/6).
According to Qaid, team chairman, waste separation is the most effective and easiest way to resolve waste that is piling up. Qaid explained MR BIN is a combination of waste bin and technology that can separate inorganic waste metal and non-metal automatically.
Qaid added the government had indeed suggested people to separate the waste in advance, but this is seen as ineffective because the people do not carry out this suggestion, they rather throw away the waste carelessly.
“This condition calls for an automatic waste separator system. MR BIN is the answer to that problem and this is expected to be able to minimise the heaping waste in Indonesia,” said Qaid.
He explained first they mould the body of MR BIN using acrylic, followed by assembing and making of electronic and mechanical systems. MR BIN uses microcontroller and sensors as electronics and servo motor as actuators. The sensor has the role to get waste information while the microcontroller serves as the brain to process the data. The actuator functions to move the waste whether it is metal or non-metal.
“This is what we produced as the young generation who care about waste problems. MR BIN helps to resolve waste problem in Indonesia,” Qaid concluded.