UGM students keep innovating. This time, innovation in the field of health education is successfully developed by the students who make products such as dental educational dolls, vests massage to stimulate breast milk production, as well as midwifery learning model to determine the opening of the cervix.
It was started by the concern of children’s lack of interest to learn about teeth, five students of UGM introduced Educational Doll called Elboo. Elboo products that have entered the market are a tooth-shaped key chain with four forms that describes the four types of the child’s teeth.
Elboo Dental Doll
After getting positive feedback about their product, Grace Mediana and M. Attiatul Muqtadir (Dentistry students), Nur Rifa Setyafani and M. Fathin Naufal (Industrial Engineering), and Amrina Husna (Psychology) were preparing to launch a new product in the form of puppet characters, Elboo, an educational doll with dental study model that has elements of the technology to bring audio-visual learning media, such as voice and lights marker.
“The idea of making this educational puppet was originally derived from the complaint about the difficulty of teaching dental care in children. In addition, their lack of knowledge about the teeth make children do not have the motivation to care about dental hygiene,” Grace said, Friday (17/6).
Knowledge about the characteristics and functions of each type of tooth will be delivered through an audio tool attached to the body of the doll. Doll’s mouth which could be opened will allow children to learn shape and position of the teeth through LED lights being mounted on each teeth that will light up when the audio describes the types of tooth.
Oxytocin Reflexology Vest
Another innovation created by UGM students through Student Creativity Program is Oxytocin Vest Reflexology or ROMEO. The innovation is developed by Arlin Dewanti, Vina Azizah and Qory Kuni Afifah of the Department of Obstetrics and Joko Listyanto and Fuad Hammaminata of the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation to help stimulate the oxytocin hormones and accelerate breast milk production.
Arlin explained that the working principle of ROMEO and manually oxytocin massage is almost the same, which is by applying pressure at points along the spine and provide relaxation in the mother.
“This vest is equipped with infrared sensors as relaxing sensor and DC motor for the massage. The automatic massage vest is expected to help facilitate breastfeeding mothers in order to increase coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia,” she explained.
Cervical Dilatation Phantom
Meanwhile, three students of Midwifery Diploma program, Wafda Ardhian Latansyadiena, Titin Setiyani, and Mentari Evarani, as well as two students of Electrical Engineering, Muhammad Tatag Arifudin Amali and Faisal Sya’bani, develop learning models of cervical dilatation.
Wafda revealed that there are many learning media for cervical dilatation already. However, the existing models are not practical, because they are in separate models, so one phantom only has one dilatation.
“With the separate phantoms, it is quite troublesome for students to carry 10 phantom’s to learn one cervical dilatation skill,” she explained.
The Ten Phantoms Automated Cervical Dilatation or abbreviated as Phantasi Oto is a new innovation as a learning medium to learn 10 cervical openings in just one phantom. This tool combines the phantom of the cervix with a series of mechanical and electronic tools. In its operation, Phantasi Oto has two modes which are manual and auto-mode using applications installed in smartphones.