Geology and economic potential such as oil and economical metals become a magnet for geoscience enthusiasts. The number of geology, geophysics, mining, and oil enthusiasts in various universities has increased from year to year. In fact, at the level of high school national olympics, earth science became one of the fields with most participants.
Field of Earth Sciences from the basic to the advanced level is always associated with the theory and application. Learning activities require more than just lectures and exercises because learning in the classroom is supposed to help students to do practical work. Similarly, the lab will enhance the ability of students to identify problems in the field. However, time constraints and the availability of practical props in the learning process make it not optimal. That led to the idea of how to create a tool that facilitates the learning of Earth Sciences that is portable, economical, yet elegant.
UGM students consisting of Rico Susetia Yuda, Ahmad Faizal Amin, Irsyam Widiyoko (Geological Engineering), Kusuma Yani (Mechanical Engineering) and Naufi Ulumun Nafi’ah (Psychology) are challenged to create the tool. With the guidance of Agus Hendratno, ST, MT, they created miniature props and 3D for the learning of Earth Sciences.
“Usually the props in the laboratory are old and limited because they cost much,” Riko Susetia Yuda said at the Faculty of Engineering, Monday (20/6).
Rico said that their product, Geomin, currently has three models which are geological structure, sucker rod pump miniature, and microfossils models. Those products are made of wood and crafted by Jogja craftmen. It resulted a very detailed tool which resembles the original object.
Props and 3D miniature, GeoMin, is expected to help learning and practicum of Earth Science to become clearer and easy to learn. For each product, Geo-min is equipped with guide books and theories related to the model.
“In the near future, my team and I hope to be able to develop more variety of props that can support the learning of Earth Sciences,” said Rico.
Agus Hendratno added that this product has received considerable attention from enthusiasts of Earth Sciences since its first introduction through social media at the end of May 2016. Geo-min product is already sold not only in Yogyakarta, but also to some areas like Kediri, Tulungagung, Madura, Bekasi, Jakarta, even to Palembang and Pekanbaru.