International higher learning directory, 4 International Colleges & Universities (4ICU) has ranked UGM in the first position for popularity among Indonesian university web sites, and 75th in Asia. At the world level, UGM ranks 414th of 11,606 universities in the 200 countires surveyed.
The recent release of the 4ICU University Web Ranking is a non-academic ranking to show the popularity of university web sites in the world. This is based on an algorithm that consists of four web metrics, namely Google Page Rank, Alexa Global Rank, Majestic Referring Subnets, and Majestic Trust Flow.
To get the results, data web metrics are taken in the same week to minimise temporal fluctuations and maximise comparability. A pre-computation filter is used to detect outliers in the raw data. Further investigation is made through analysis of Alexa Traffic Rank data for universities that adopt subdomains as their official page.
The UGM’s rank shows that its popularity stands well with the high number of searches using search engines and visits to the UGM website. Head of UGM Quality Assurance Office, Prof. Dr. Indra Wijaya Kusuma, M.B.A., said this did not mean UGM would stop at feeling satisfied, but will instead be working hard to improve quality.
“It’s good if we can achieve high ranking, but in the future we need to move further, not just being satfisfied with the current ranking,” he said on Thursday (14/7).
He added UGM was improving its website to make it more accessible for students, lecturers, and visitors from Indonesia or abroad.
“Recently, we conducted a Forum Group Discussion with Indonesian and international students. Following that discussion, we drew up a plan to make the UGM website more accessible,” he said.