Probably not many people know of Raden Mas Panji Sosrokartono. Sosrokartono is the elder brother of national heroine RA. Kartini whose ideas contain a great deal of moral philosophy.
Mulyono, lecturer at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, said that the core moral of Sosrokartono’s idea is the harmonious relationship between man and God, and man with his fellow creatures of God. A good man is a man who always meets their obligations, namely love, worship, and serve the Lord. The forms of love, devotion, and dedication to God by man is reflected by the act of loving, being helpful, and serving fellow human beings who need it with sincerity (leladi mring sesami).
“Noble ideas are practiced consistently by Sosrokartono himself. He believed that every human being has the power of maximum efficiency for our fellow human beings and the environment,” he explained, Wednesday (20/7) during his open examination of doctoral program at the Faculty of Philosophy UGM.
The noble idea of a man who spoke 26 foreign languages and 10 local Indonesian languages contains various normative ethical theories which are deontology, virtue ethics, and teleology ethics. Ethics of deontology is seen on the idea that emphasizes the obligation to love and serve the Lord through leladi mring sesami behavior as the basis of all actions. Then, the ethics of virtue appear on the idea that the ideal human figure benefits others which is reflected in his titles, Mandor Klungsu and Djoko Pring. While teleology ethic is reflected on the goals which is the realization of inner peace and utmost achievement of lives.
Mulyono said that contributions and relevance of moral teachings of Sosrokartono for the building of the nation’s character lies in its congruency with the values of Pancasila as the identity and national character. Sosrokartono’s moral teachings were defined before Pancasila was formulated. Sosrokartono’s idea is in accordance with the definition of the values of Pancasila.
“The content of the Sosrokartono’s idea is also congruent with the character building of the individual value which is currently being socialized by the government to the students through character building program,” he said. (UGM/adelily)