As many as 29 teams of Student Creativity Programme divided in five categories from UGM are entitled to go through to the 29th National Scientific Week (PIMNAS) to be held from 8-12 August 2016 at Institut Pertanian Bogor. Among participating universities, UGM has the most teams going to the event.
Head of Student Creativity sub-directorate of UGM, Ahmad Agus Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., said UGM sent as many as 1,209 proposals to the event of which 285 earning grants from the Higher Learning Directorate.
“UGM is the university with the most grants earned and also the most teams getting selected to the event,” he said on Tuesday (26/7) on campus.
Ahmad Agus mentioned that these were an increase from the last event in 2015 with 964 proposals being sent and 27 proposals getting through.
“There is an increase in terms of number of proposals that are sent and get through compared to last year’s. The quality is also increasing,” he said.
He said this result is due to the hard work of the students, support and coaching from supervising lecturers as well as from related departments and faculties, and facilities from the university. Previously, the students were given intensive socialisation, training, coaching and mentoring.
Ahmad Agus said currently UGM was preparing the students related to soft skills and hard skills from 26-31 July 2016.
“We’re trying to prepare the UGM teams as good as possible. Hopefully, the UGM teams would earn the overall winner like that in 2014,” he said.
The categories to be contested are entrepreneurship with four teams, community service 5 teams, creation 5 teams, socio-humanities 10 teams, exact research 4 teams, and technoloy one team.