A lecturer from Universitas Islam Indonesia, Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., earned a doctorate degree in law at Faculty of Law UGM on Monday (25/7) in the Auditorium of the Faculty after defending his dissertation entitled Copy Right Protection on Internet Digital Works.
The dissertation is based on law phenomenon arising due to the use of internet technology in current human interactions. One of those is related to copy right protection for digital works. Budi said that studies on copy right protection consist of doctrines of ultilitarianism, labor, personality, and social control planning.
Budi said Indonesia studied the tendency to adopt the doctrine of copy right protection towards safety technology in Indonesian copy right regulations that refer to a few stipulations. These are Law No. 28 Year 2014 on Copy Right, Law No. 11 Year 2008 on Electronic Information and Transaction, Law No. 36 Year 1999 on Telecommunication and Law No. 32 Year 2002 on Broadcasting.
Budi analysed the adoption of copy right protection doctrine towards safety technology in Indonesian copy right regulations. He also analysed behaviour and perception of copy right owners and users in using the internet.
His research showed that adoption of doctrine of copy right protection towards safety technology in Indonesian copy right regulations are different from each other. Behaviour and perception of users and owners of copy rights saw safety technology as a very important aspect in giving protection to Intellectual Property Right.
“The adoption of doctrine of copy right protection and social control planning to safety technology in Indonesian copy right regulations may create a balance of interests between stakeholders in using the internet,” he said.
According to Budi, practically this research can give enlightment and contribution to the law science development that relates to IT. This is expected to contribute to policy makers or legislators for drafting internet policy and copy right protection regulations.