Ir. Sasmito Soekarno, M.S., has passed his doctoral program for Civil Engineering and Environment of Universitas Gadjah Mada. The Civil Engineering lecturer from Universitas Mataram conducted his doctoral promotion at Faculty of Engineering UGM on Wednesday (27/7).
Sasmito defended his dissertation titled Initial Condition Effect of Soil Humidity to Characteristics of Hydrographic Unit, accompanied by team of promoters, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Triatmodjo, DEA, Prof. Ir. Joko Sujono, M.Eng., Ph.D, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Harto Br., Dop.H. His dissertation finds out and formulates the effects of AMC to characteristics of Hydrographic Unit.
“The characteristics of Hydrographic Unit are represented with the peak discharge of Hydrographic Unit while Hydrographic Unit is a method to estimate the extent of flood discharge that is caused by rains,” said Sasmito.
Sasmito explained that unequal precipitations effects can be minimised by increasing more rain stations that cover all watershed areas, so able to gain the actual precipitation data. Meanhwile, the effect of AMC to Hydrographic Unit is still unknown as there is no research available yet.
“Hence, this research into the effect of AMC to hydrographic unit is very much needed. Meanwhile, research on Code and Gajah Wong watershed areas show the data on precipitation, floods, and evaporation are good,” he said.