UGM is named the best legal entity university in terms of program, implementation, and budgeting for the first semester fiscal year 2016. Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Learning evaluated a number of aspects on achievements in terms of budget, progress report of performance agreements and progress of provision of logistics and services.
“Evaluation is carried out each semester by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Learning,” said UGM Director for Planning and Development, Muhammad Sulaiman, S.T., M.T., D.Eng., on Tuesday (9/8).
Sulaiman added UGM had achieved 55.24% of budget goals while on physical performance the rate is 55.00%. Following this result, UGM will optimise performance of programme, implementation, and budgeting in the next semester. “We hope to achieve 95% by the end of the year,” he said.
UGM Finance Director, Drs. Haryono, M.Com., Akt., considered the UGM budget absorption was optimum due to facilities that give advance funds from the university for researchers by lecturers. “Research grants for lecturers usually come out in May, but we can give advance a few months earlier in order that the research can commence,” said Haryono. He added the advance focused on research, education, and community service to run optimally. Research is the centre of attention as it increases number of publications in journals.
“We are pro-active but still stick to the rules in carrying out the programme,” said Haryono.