As many as 25 food vendors who formerly run their business at the socio-humanities cluster or Bonbin canteen followed training in canteen management conducted by UGM Assets Directorate in cooperation with UGM Centre for Food and Nutrition Studies on Thursday (11/8) at Bulaksumur UGM. The Director, Prof. Ir. Henricus Priyosulistyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., said this was the first training for the vendors to prepare them for selling healthy and hygienic food. “We are training the canteen vendors to prepare good food ingredients, good cooking, and presentation,” said Henricus.
Henricus added the training would run regularly every month for all vendors working at UGM premises. Even their participation in the training would become a prerequisite to be able to run a business at UGM.
Lecturer in Food Technology and Agricultural Products of UGM, Dr. Ir. Supriyadi, M.Sc, that give the training materials said that the vendors could contribute to the nutrient intake for UGM students by giving good and hygienic food. Supriyadi expected the vendors to be able to prepare healthy menu that will not cause a disease. By preparing healthy and safe food, the vendors have indirectly contributed to the health of UGM students.