Four students of Universitas Gadjah Mada who join nature enthusiasts group of UGM (Mapagama) have made the ascent to Mt. Stok Kangri on the Himalayas, India, on the 5,100 m above sea surface right on Indonesia’s Independence Day on 17 August 2016. They are Dita Novita Sari (Psychologiy, Eva Lutviatur Rohmah Ningsih (Social & Political Sciences), Ria Verentiuli (Cultural Sciences), and Chordya Iswanti (Agriculture); all join the UGM International Expedition III “Peak of The Ancestor” Mapagama event.
Coordinator of the team, Rizal Fahmi Priyono, explained on Thursday (18/8) at UGM that the four girls started the climbing on 13 August at the Zingchen village on 3,360m above sea surface.
Rizal expressed his pride for the Mapagama expedition to Stok Kangri that was due to the intensive training carried out for two years.
“We’re so excited and proud that the four ladies of Mapagama unit have ascended one of the highest Himalayas peaks. This showed that women are not weak and they have the spirit of heroines such as Cut Nyak Dien, Tri Bhuana Tungga Dewi, Christina Martha Tiahahu, Nyi Ageng Serang, and Kartini,” he said.
Previously the Mapagama team in 2013 conducted the UGM International Expedition I “River of Gold” in Nepal, and UGM International Expedition II “Rock of Pyramid” in China. UGM International Expedition is an international scale project to see places uncharted by other Indonesians.