UGM hosts The 2nd International Conference on Islamic Perspective of Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Management (IPAFEM) 2016 with the theme “Towards Advancing Economic Prosperity and Social Well-being”. The event that run from 17-19 August 2016 in The Alana Hotel and Convention Center, Yogyakarta, was attended by 107 participants from among students, academics, and practitioners from Indonesia, Qatar, Algeria, Pakistan, UK, Hollands, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Arab Saudi.
IPAFEM is an event that give opportunities to social sciences academics and practitioners to discuss challenge, trend, and inovation in business based on Islamic views to advance people’s economic prosperity and social well-being. This time there are 60 papers and 5 proposals being submitted to Doctoral colloqium with a total of 76 people to present them.
IPAFEM starts with a workshop that is opened by Dr. Muhammad Edhie Purnawan and keynote speaker Dr. Nasim Shah Shirazi. Other speakers are Prof. Roszaini Haniffa, Dr. Muhammad Hudaib, Dr. Murniati Mukhlisin, Prof. Roszaini Haniffa, and Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D. The second day event was opened by Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya with keynote address by Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro. Speakers this time are Dr. Hylmun Izhar, Ahmad Buchori, and Dr. Imam Teguh Saptono. The Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D will deliver a speech themed “Islamic Culture Performance by UGM Students, Staff and Faculty Members”. A parallel session, closing ceremony, and announcement of the best 3 papers will be made on the third day.