Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo stated there were five types of threats facing Indonesia internally, which are radicalism and terrorism, illegal drugs, corruption, sociap gap and insult against the state. These were delivered by the Minister as keynote speaker in the Smart City symposium at UGM’s Graduate School on Wednesday (7/9).
The Minister said the government paid serious attention to the issue of radicalism and terrorism as radicalism may emerge anywhere, thus urging people to be wary on such threat. “We don’t know who our friends or enemies are, so we have to be wary against radicalism threats,” he said.
On drugs, he said that the illegal circulation had spread massively that necessitates us to go the extra mile for eradication. While on corruption, the Minister said the government monitored budget allocations that are vulnerable to be source of corruption for policy makers. On social and economic gap, he said this had gone worrisome in the past 8 years. On insults to the state, he said there were still people trying to insult the state and nation. “The Joko Widodo government is open to criticism, but insults that damage our unity is regrettable,” he said.
Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, said the government was facing ever changing community services related to global evolution from industry to digital society. “The ICT development in the past two decades have radically changed so it needs government’s innovation to give services to them,” he said.
The symposium hosted by the Faculty UGM, Home Affairs Ministry and Microsoft Indonesia also invited Director General for Regional Autonomy, Dr. Sony Sumarsono, and President director of Microsoft Indonesia, Andreas Diantoro. On the sidelines of the event was signed an agreement signing between the Ministry, UGM and Microsoft to boost regional governments to support development acceleration towards smart city.