Anatomic Patology lecturer in Faculty of Medicine UGM, dr.Indrawati, Sp.PA (K)., has earned a doctorate degree from the Faculty on Wednesday (26/10) for the dissertation titled Study of Factors of Clinical Prognosis, Morphology, Subtype Molecular and Interleukins 10 In Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphome.
Indrawati said the lymphome is among the ten non-communicable disease that are malignant, often found in Indonesia. The profile of lymphome incidence or diffuse large B-cell lymphome based on WHO clarification has not been reported.
“The subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphome has varied clinical behaviours,” she said.
Indrawati said cases of lymphoid tumour that is found at Sardjito General Hospital between years 2012-2014 reached to 265. During those years, the number of patients increased.
From Indrawati’s research, it is known that the life expectancy of patients of diffuse large B-cell lymphome is affected by their age. Patients over the age of 60 have lower life expectancy than people aged 60 or below.
Other findings are that there is a difference between status performance and life expectancy of diffuse large B-cell lymphome. Patients with status performance over than 3 have lower life expectancy than those that have status performance less than 4.
While on the univariate analysis there is no significant difference between stadium and life expectancy of diffuse large B-cell lymphome. The same thing also happens in subtypemolecular, genetic polymorphism IL10 and IL10 expression with life expectancy of diffuse large B-cell lymphome.