Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has presented the Hamengku Buwono IX Award to Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi, during the celebration of UGM’s 67 anniversary on Monday (19/12) in Grha Sabha Pramana hall.
“Retno Marsudi has been granted with the HB IX Award for humanitarian work,” said Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., on Monday (19/12) in Grha Sabha Pramana.
According to Dwikorita, Retno Marsudi won the award because she is seen as somebody who has the commitment for humanitarian interests and advancing peace. She fought for Indonesian nationals abroad and also the people of Rohingnya.
“Apart from accelerating the progress of Indonesian civilisation, she also fights hard for the Indonesian sovereignty through diplomacy as well as works for humanity not only for Indonesian nationals but also world communities, including the Rohingnya people in Myanmar,” she said.
The HB IX is awarded to people who meet the criteria and make achievements in science and technology, humanity and culture to make the country prosperous. The alumnus of Law Faculty UGM is seen as someone that can pass on the struggle made by the late King of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono (HB) IX.
Retno Marsudi through a video conference appreciated the granting of HB IX Award by UGM. She apologised that she was unable to be present in the awarding ceremony as she was currently in Myanmar to attend meetings with ASEAN foreign affairs ministers to discuss the Rohingnya issue.
“It is an honour to receive the HB IX Award. This award has inspired me and also other people to continue to do services for the nation,” she said.
She said the award was credited to the hard work of the Foreign Affairs Ministry that fights for Indonesia at international fora. Year 2016 saw the Indonesian foreign policy focused on the efforts to protect Indonesian nationals abroad and maintaining world peace and welfare.
Retno explained the contribution of Indonesia to world peace was a vital issue for the country’s foreign policy. The country’s role is getting more prominent amidst the escalating trans-national crimes and conflicts across the world. As the largest Muslim country and member of G-20, Indonesia plays an important role to securing and creating the world peace.
“What is appreciated from Indonesia is its peaceful approach through dialogue and diplomacy to reconcile conflicts,” she said.
Meanwhile, Chair of Board of Trustees of UGM, Prof. Pratikno, who is also State Minister, said Retno Marsudi deserved to receive the HB IX Award because she made great contributions to the Indonesian foreign policy.
Another award, Anugerah UGM, was granted to Ir. Gatot Murdjito, M.S., for his community service works. The UGM Animal Sciences lecturer is seen as making great contributions to the Student Community Service (KKN) of UGM.