Sisik Gurami Antar Mahasiswa UGM Raih Penghargaan di Tingkat ASEAN
The scales of gourami fish have resulted in two Dentistry students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) becoming the champions in a research competition at the ASEAN level, namely the Dental Student Research Competition 2017, held at Faculty of Dentistry UGM on 14 January. Involved in this event were 29 teams from various ASEAN universities.
Diana Fitri Muslimah and Adityakrisna Yoshi Putra Wigianto submitted a paper entitled The Effect of Nanocalcium Paste form Osphronemus Goramy L. Scale for Remineralizing White Spot Lesion. It focuses on the potential of the gourami scales to be used as remineralisation to prevent from dental cavities.
Adit said they chose the gourami scales as they contain a high calcium compound that can inhibit the decaying process of teeth. “The gourami scales contain higher calcium than the scales of other fish,” he said on Monday (23/1) at UGM. They contain as much as 7.5 percent calcium as opposed to others which have only 2 percent.
Adit said during this time the scales of gourami were not used optimally in biomedicine; instead they have mostly been used for handicrafts. “We’re trying to make good use of this material which is easily obtained across the country and is still underused,” he said.
The scales will be made into nano calcium paste. This is done by processing the scales into nano powder to allow remineralisation. The powder is then mixed with glycerin to make the paste.
“The end result is nano calcium paste that can be used to prevent dental cavities,” said Diana.
The efficacy of using the gourami scales has been tested on the teeth of Cavia cobaya guinea pig. It showed that the paste can prevent cavities just as other remineralisation materials available in the market can.
“The calcium and phosphate level tests that have been done showed that the gourami scales can indeed increase the mineral level of the teeth up to 30 percent,” Diana added.
According to Diana, nano calcium paste from gourami scales has the potential for further development, moreover the supplies are abundant in Indonesia.