In its development, science is not always cummulative. Kuhn discusses science development in the period of normal science and scientific revolution. In the phase of scientific revolution, science development signifies the presence of incommensurability between two rival theories in different paradigms. Meanwhile, debate on incommensurability brings about the discussion between relativism in science.
“Through Kuhn’s work on incommensurability, this research reviews the debate, using science philosophy analysis, especially related to the problem that emerged from relativism that has developed in the world,” said Sonjoruri Budiani Trisakti, M.A in her doctoral promotion at Faculty of Philosophy UGM on Wednesday (24/5).
Sonjoruri Budiani admits her research is on incommensurability thought of Thomas S. Kuhn that is analysed critically from the perspective of relativism in viewing the science. The main methodical element used in the research covers interpretation and continuity. “Scientific revolution in science progresivity according to Kuhn causes incommensurability between two vital paradigms, and there is no general measure to compare between them,” said the Philosophy lecturer from UGM.
Maintaining dissertation titled Incommensurability of Thomas Samuel Kuhn in the Perspective of Relativism and Relevance to Science Development in Indonesia, Sonjoruri Budiani said that science theories obtained in science activity with incommensurability orientation can be said as objective, rational and right without denying the presence of paradigm. Reality of science development that takes incommensurability into account can be made the ground for science development that is based on Indonesian culture that contains indigenous science potential and can be developed into scientific, objective and rational knowledge.
She said science development in Indonesia needs system of education and research that opens opportunities for effective intersubjectivity to take place. Multicultural understanding can be built not just between “scientific knowledge” from local Indonesia but also Indonesian multicultural scientific construction is bulit along with other indigenous sciences in the world.
“Indonesian education system needs to give room to the development of indigenous science by which students since early on would understand the Indonesian indigenous science,” said Sonjoruri, who was accompanied by promoter, Prof. Dr. Koento Wibisono Siswomihardja and co-promoter, Dr. Rizal Mustansyir.