Medical students of UGM have earned awards in the scientific competition, Medjohnson 2017, held at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta from 4-7 May 2017. The UGM team has members Annisa Nurul Pratiwi Sudarmadi and Putri Raudina Alifah that won the second place in the public poster category.
Annisa said the competition was joined by 80 participants from 14 medical faculties in Indonesia. There are three 3 categories of competition, public poster, literature review, and educational video.
“We’re thankful our public poster titled Pedikur Menikur (Pedicure Manicure) to Prevent Nail Infection has won the second place award,” she said on Friday (26/5) at Faculty of Medicine UGM.
Annisa said the poster they display could increase people’s understanding and awareness of nail infection or paronichya. It normally happens in the nails of the hand or foot that are inflamed due to infection around the nails.
“If ignores, the infection can get serious, for example, severe pain, extending infection, until death of tissues,” she said.
Annisa mentioned it also happened due to various factors, such as cutting the nail too close to the skin, trauma or wound, and poor sanitation.
“Pedikur-Menikur is the thing we develop to prevent the problem. It is an acronym that is easy to remember and relates to treatment of nails.
It is important to maintain hygiene of the nails and surrounding, no biting of nails, no wearing of shoes that do not fit or socks that are not often changed. It is also important to keep the toes and fingers dry, keep against trauma or wound and carefull nail cutting.