The Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., along with Home Affairs Minister, Tjahjo Kumolo, dispatched students for their community service program (KKN-PPM) on Friday (9/6) at the square of Grha Sabha Pramana UGM. There were 5,982 students from 18 faculties and the Vocational School who joined the program which will be held in 115 regencies in 34 provinces across Indonesia for two months.
“This year there are 16 main themes to be realised in various operational activities to be held in 213 units for two months from 10 June to 4 August 2017,” said the Rector in his remarks.
Panut described this program as being aimed at fostering empathy and care among UGM academic community members with regard to real problems facing society in the context of sustainable development. He said this became a form of participation on the part of in supporting the government duties in increasing the people’s prosperity.
“UGM, as the university of people, has the potential in the form of excellent human resources and knowledge so they can serve society to increase prosperity through research downstreaming and implementation of the program. The student community service is expected to be able to create students who embody the values of Pancasila: resilience, nobility, and entrepreneurship, while having high leadership skills and being excellent researchers,” he said.
He asked the students to uphold the good name of UGM through their dedication and high performance, because the success of the progam would not only bring pride to UGM, but also Indonesia.
“I wish to say good luck to the students who will go on their student community service. Hopefully your program in the village can run well and benefit the people of Indonesia whilst also giving you experience and knowledge,” said Panut.
Minister Tjahjo Kumolo appreciated UGM for having dispatched students to all of Indonesia’s provinces. This showed the great commitment of UGM in supporting national development.
“On behalf of the government, I would like to express appreciation for UGM, the campus of struggle, the university of the people, which will dispatch the students this afternoon, not only to the Yogyakarta area, but to all parts of Indonesia,” he said.
He asked the students to utilise the science they had learned whilst studying to serve the nation and help build up Indonesia’s regions.
“I would like to send a message to you, wherever your program locations are to show you that, as a student of UGM and Indonesia, you can make innovations and develop the country. Good luck to all,” he said.
Afterwards, a symbollic handover was conducted to donate 68 packages of books published by UGM which were to be distributed to the KKN locations.