Breast cancer is the highest prevalence of cancer in women with the number of new cases increasing each year. Despite the decreasing mortality rate of the disease. But the mortality case is still high in developing countries.
Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret (UNS), Kristanto Yuli Yarso, said most of breast cancer mortality was caused by metastasis in vital organs. In fact, metastasis in vital organs overburdens breast cancer treatment. Even until today, the condition of breast cancer patients that have metastasis or spreading cancer is very difficult to cure.
“Metastasis of cancerous cells to other organs is a very complex and difficult process,” he said on Monday (31/7) when sitting in his doctoral exam at Faculty of Medicine UGM.
Doing research on the effect of expression of mRNA chemokine ligand SDF-1 in breast cancer tissues and protein expression of chemokine receptor CXCR4 in cell nucleus of breast cancer to the risk of distant metastasis risk and survival, Kristanto found the fact that overexpression of mRNA SDF1 gives significant effect to the occurance of metastasis in breast cancer whether in initial or advanced stages. Overexpression of mRNA SDF1 gives less significance to the lives in early or advanced stages of breast cancer.
“Meanwhile, overexpression of protein CXR4 in cancer nucleus gives no significance to the metastasis occurance and survival whether in initial or advanced stages,” he said.